What is encaustic Painting?

Encaustic is a painting method dating back as far as Angient Egypt and Ancient Greece. Jeff discovered encaustic at West Chester University having studied under Gus Sermas while receiving his bachelor of fine art with a studio painting and drawing emphasize. Encaustic painting is a process of blending stone pigments with beeswax, over heat to produce color and texture. In ancient Egypt when people were mummified and buried in the temples, with in the walls encaustic faces were painted around them. Some exist still to this day. One of Jeffs passions is knowing the history behind the art, and creating in forms that will outlast us by hundred of years.  Pewter, Encaustic Painting and Masonry is all his forms of art that will long outlive all of us.  With each stroke of the brush, it is heated, waxed and canvased intentionally before the wax dries.  The brush is then cleaned and the process is repeated.  

Jeff also paints with oil, acrylic and various other mediums. He owned Culture in West Chester a local go to Art Gallery.

Through the Pane


Encaustic on Wood

Size 19" X 25" X 2 1/2"

as she waits


Encaustic on Wood

Size 21" X 25" X 2 1/2"



Encaustic on Canvas

Size 21" X 17" X 2 1/2"

My Boy Blue


Encaustic on wood

Size 12" X 15" X 2 1/2"



Charcoal on paper

Jose, Can you see?


Encaustic on wood

19" X 25" X 2 1/2"

For a moment


Encaustic on canvas

15" X 30" X  1 1/2"



Encaustic on wood

19" X 25" X 2 1/2"



Encaustic on canvas

15" X 30" X  1 1/2"




Custom Artwork

 If you have something special you'd like created please reach out. 

Please include:

* details of the subject of the work, include photos if you want

* the size - miniature to large (Jeff has experience with large murals both inside and outdoors)

* the medium - oil, acrylic, encaustic, or egg tempura

* the surface - canvas, wood

* where it would be shipped

* and any other ideas and or details you'd like to share.

Jeff will get back to you with a quote.  


* indicates required